Tag Archives: Laugh

Strange Wonderful Reentry


Ps 103v5I went back to a place I knew 15 years ago and, five weeks later, I’ve come back to a place I knew five weeks ago.

The frozen sleeping branches I left are now covered with pink cherry blossoms.  The air has lost its bite.  Where empty dirt was, tall daffodils now stretch high. Everything and everyone has grown.  This is not the place I left.

Turns out, a lot can happen in five weeks.  And whether you’ve been gone years or mere weeks, reentry is strange.

After driving on the other side of the road, I’m now adjusting back to driving on the other, other side again.  After eating all my favorite home foods, I’m now adjusting back to the “foreign” ingredients I’ve spent most of my adult life using. And after reconnecting with my family and dear old friends, I’m now adjusting to reconnect and remember my place with my friendships and community here.

Our four-and-a-half-year-old explained it perfectly on Sunday at church as she twirled between all the people she has known and loved her whole life: “I can’t remember these people’s names. It might take me a while to remember this place.”

Yet, I really love this awkward processes of reentry.  There is power in this time of tension.

Time in different culture creates a much-needed backdrop of reflection for my own life.  A chance to see things I want to add to my life.  And see things already in my life that I need appreciate more.

And reentry gives a chance for change.  A time to embrace a rekindled vision for life.

I’ve come back with wonderful ideas collected from being in my homeland with my family.  And these jet lagged days are giving me the chance to change our routine.

1. Laugh every day.  Be with people who love to laugh. [Thank you Dad, Mum, Jem, Belinda, & Tola]

2. Drink good coffee from inspiring cups, with inspiring people. [Thank you Jem, Steph & Guy]

3. Purpose to have regular time with good friends.  Share open hearts with them. [Thank you Louise, Peter, Jamie & Janine]

4. Schedule and protect daily time for Selah and weekly time for Sabbath. [Thank you Paul, Janine & Elaine]

5. Be courageous to let go of things, memories, and emotions in order to make room for new things, memories, emotions, and people.  Make space for what Yahweh is doing today. [Thank you Yahweh, my wonderful patient family & Steph]

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Life can so easily get rote and bland.  Love what traveling does to wake me up.  Pondering how I can fabricate this life-giving power of reentry during seasons of no travel and no get-aways.

6. Find ways to infuse my life with the power of reentry without having to travel. [Thank you Holy Spirit]

On the hunt now for an inspiring coffee cup to be a standing stone reminder of this trip and reentry.

Praise the LORD, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. He fills my life with good things. (Psalm 103:1 & 5a)

Anything in your life you want to appreciate more?  Anything you could add to inspire your heart for joy?  I’d love to hear what you do to love your life more!